In a groundbreaking moment for the Fountains of Bellagio, a guest was given the unique opportunity to choreograph a brand new show for the attraction’s 40th performance. This historic event marks the first time in the attraction’s 25-year history that a visitor was able to leave their mark on the iconic Las Vegas landmark.
The collaboration that made this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity possible was between Marriott International and MGM Resorts International. Scott Krupa, a proud Marriott Bonvoy Elite member hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, seized the chance to choreograph a show set to the iconic sounds of U2’s hit track ‘Beautiful Day’, by outbidding competitors with a whopping 2.4 million Marriott Bonvoy points.
This incredible experience not only allowed Krupa to put his creative skills to the test, but also afforded him the chance to delve into the intricate technology behind the choreography of the fountains, work closely with the innovative team at WET, and guide the mesmerizing aquatic display.
The new show curated by Krupa has now been added to the rotation of 40 performances that captivate and entertain thousands of visitors each day. With shows scheduled every half hour on weekdays and even more frequently on weekends and evenings, the Fountains of Bellagio continue to be a must-see attraction for anyone visiting the dazzling city of Las Vegas.
The partnership between Marriott International and MGM Resorts International not only allows for such exciting collaborations like this one, but also offers Marriott Bonvoy members the chance to earn and redeem points at various MGM Collection destinations. This alliance seeks to provide unique experiences and perks to members who choose to book through Marriott’s platforms, and even enables users to earn hotel points through activities like sports betting and online casino play.
Adam Greenblatt, the CEO of BetMGM, expressed his enthusiasm for this innovative partnership by saying, “The collaboration with Marriott Bonvoy is a monumental differentiator for us. This partnership will extend our brand to millions of potential new customers while offering our players the unique benefit of utilising its gameplay to tap into the world of Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of experiences.”
With such exciting collaborations and opportunities arising in the world of entertainment and hospitality, the Fountains of Bellagio continue to reign as a beloved and innovative landmark in the heart of Las Vegas.